Thursday, November 8, 2007

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican U.S. Sen. John Warner said Wednesday the Republicans' loss of the state Senate on Tuesday was due in part to the narrow direction the party has taken in recent years. Virginia's senior senator said the GOP had drifted from the "time-honored principle of the 'big tent' party." (Fox News)

While it is difficult to argue with someone who has been as successful as John Warner, I will disagree with him. Republicans didn't loose in Virginia because they had taken the 'narrow direction', but because it has become more and more difficult to differentiate between the Republican and Democrat candidates.

In my district, the Republican ran on Democrat ideals like land use limits and using state funds for transportation (read that big government and more taxes). The only real difference was the immigration issue, which he supported controls on, as did all who won.

Republicans need to establish (re-establish?) themselves on the principles of the common American (strong religion, strong family, strong business) instead of where they are drifting (special interests, earmarks, and government waste).

As Republicans, we must maintain the standard of God, Family, and Growth. This is in the interests of everyone in this great country and omits no one. The only people that refuse to enter our tent are those who are intimidated by God, hate the family, or want to stifle growth. And never do we as Republicans deny anyone a chance to come in from the Democrats' rain, but we do expect those who come to our party to celebrate with us.

Our tent is open to everyone, but our tent poles are our principles.

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