Tuesday, November 6, 2007

MSM Liberal Inculcation

I listen to the local ABC affiliate (WMAL) because they have Rush, Hannity, Mark Levin, and Chris Plante. But they also have ABC News, which drives me batty with their half-truths, manufactured correlation, and misleading

Nov. 6, 2007 - Election Day in Virginia.
ABC news reports that "Voter turnout will be low, which is expected to benefit Republicans."
Let's see... Virginia is a 'red' state. What's more, Virginia is a Conservative state. Even the Democrats that we elect pretend to be conservative. It would appear on the surface (everything else being equal) that if only 10% of the voters go to the polls then 10% of the Republicans and 10% of the Democrats will turn out. Therefore, the stronger party will win the election.

What is the advantage then of saying it is "... expected to benefit Republicans"?
Very simply, it makes Republicans complacent (we don't need to go vote, we are going to win anyway) and inspires Democrats to go out an vote (or risk loosing). That is the only purpose for this type of report and why the liberal MSM reports it. (Can you say, "influence the election"?)

1 comment:

Christina said...


I just crawled out of my hole to see that you have your own blog now. How cool is that!

I also see that yesterday was election day, so, am I disowned for not voting? ;)