Monday, November 5, 2007

Illegal Aliens

Yes, that's what they are ILLEGAL and ALIENS.
Not 'undocumented immigrants' - that would be people who are immigrating to the United States to become citizens who have yet to file the required paperwork.
They aren't even 'immigrants'. Mexico's most profitable export is 'undocumented workers' sending back millions of dollars to their families to boost the economy of Mexico.
They are here ILLEGALLY. That is all there is to it.

Making them legal with amnesty would be a slap on the face of every hard working immigrant who ever came to this country legally and fought to become a citizen. People like my great-grandparents who came over from Germany in the late 1800s. Who fought prejudice and learned English to become productive citizens of the United States. People like my neighbor who was here awaiting a visa in the early 1990s and worked 16-hour days every day but Christmas ... and paid income taxes on those earnings to ensure nothing would prevent his family from citizenship. Who had to sell everything he had acquired because the laws changed and his family was required to return to Brazil. HE waited in Brazil for three years to return and, after this country treated him poorly, he still strove to become a legal citizen. Those are documented aliens and the people we need to immigrate and naturalize.

Not the person who brakes into our country, steals our services, and expects us to pay his debts.

There are many hard working immigrants who I admire and support. Don't insult them with 'undocumented aliens' and instant citizenship!

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