Sunday, February 24, 2008

Radical Islam

Let's say that there is a prostitute in Washington, DC (which is easy enough to do). But this one was drugging her Johns and severing his member. Naturally, the local police would be searching all over for her and, since it is DC, the Secret Service, FBI, and probably CIA would be on the hunt as well. If came to be known that this prostitute had long blond hair, was six feet tall, and had a good figure, would the short prostitutes with dark hair still be bringing in business? Of course not, the prostitute business would grind to a halt. The government would have to shut down because of all the frustrated workers (or there would be more 'business trips' to places like New York).
But you know what would happen? Every pimp in the city and every other prostitute would hunt this person down and she would disappear from the face of the earth - long before any legal authority could get to her.
That is the difference between prostitutes and Muslims.